Our Garden
What would we be if it weren't for our beloved Garden. Here at CB it is as Farm to Table as it gets. That Dreamsicle smoothie? Bananas from the trees right here on-site. That Kavocado salad? Kale greens grown mere feet away from our little orange food truck.
For us the garden defines us. We want to give you the whole shabang! The experience! When you sit down and look over the ocean, it is almost over shadowed by the beauty of our little farm. The garden allows us to give you a unique experience every time you come to see us. From the beautiful morning rays lighting up the dew drenched produce during coffee talk, to the mid afternoon, post surf smoothie sesh seeing west swell pass Tres Palmas, all the way to the serene Juicy hour sunset; dollar off for happy hour, the garden view has yet to disappoint.
The cool thing about it is, the party never ends. Because of the Puerto Rican Harvest, the action never ceases at the Garden. Year-round we are growing for you to enjoy. We're one of the only places in Puerto Rico who does it, so check in with us here to see what's up. We'll keep you posted on what's grwoing and when, so when that time comes to get pickin', you'll know when to come eatin'.